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Previous EVENT - Available by webcast 

Date | Held on Sunday 8th July


Time |10am - 3pm (AEST)


Investment | $70 


NOTE: Please refer to your host site for event times and details for live or delayed webcast.

 Lack of Self-Worth and Self-Doubt are the all too well known terrible twins that sabotage women from an otherwise steady confidence and inner authority.


For some of us, reaching our goals or feeling settled with our accomplishments is short lived with a struggle to appreciate the value of what we've contributed, and for others, we can never seem to get to that place of settlement already second guessing our every step before we take it. This can affect our relationships from deepening, changing negative thoughts or behaviours, prevent us from expanding in our professionals and more.


But why has it become so normal to not feel good enough in who we are and what we can do?  Are we coping with 'this new norm'? Is it possible to change?


Natalie Benhayon presents in this 'Women in Livingness' workshop an in-depth yet practical view on how we can support ourselves to break free of this cycle and re-establish a consistent sense of settlement in ourselves which is not a push of one's mind over the body, rather a wholesome approach to our physical, mental and emotional wellness. 


MEET Our Keynote presenter- July 2018 workshop  

       What women are sharing about Natalie 

Natalie Benhayon

In Natalie’s role as a presenter, she has been described over the years as one of steady confidence that surpasses her age, carrying an unimposing authority to speak openly and worldly, and is frequently commented on her ability to make all feel equal in her presence. She is renowned for her practical nature and the simplicity she brings to life and any subject matter that be prevalent to her varying audiences at any time... Read more


Group Work


Sacred Movement

Women in Livingness workshops are engaging, educational,inspiring and an open forum that offers the space to explore the current issues that are impacting women's health and well-being and to re-establish a way of living

that supports the development of true well-being.


These events are organised and presented by women, many who are health practitioners, who are committed to living in a way that has already changed their own well-being.    


Each workshop has a theme that offers women the understandings and simple practical tools that can be embraced in their own lives. 
Themes that have been presented in past workshops:

  • Self-worth

  • Being true to ourselves as women 

  • Being honest with ourselves 

  • Exhaustion 

  • Relationships  

  • Empowerment and Well-being 

  • Body Image

What Women say about attending

WIL Events >>

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