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WIL Magazine: Behind the Scenes

In recent years our engagement with media has expanded onto the world wide web, creating a culture of on-the-go reading, sharing, liking, and the new scene that just about anyone can become an author and self-publish through blogging and online communities. Consequently, the phrase “print media is dead” has been the subject of many discussions if not threatening the industry that some say will all move to be only accessible via the internet. However, print media is not dead at all, what we are lacking and sorely searching for is quality in our printed media. The online spectrum gives us the impression our readership access is free and hence, less importance on the quality of what we may take 2 minutes here or there to read on our mobile devices in between this meeting or that. Printed media requires an investment, you see your hard-earned money leaving your hand in replacement for a hard-copy Magazine and you want to know your getting value for money. And are we?

The concept of Women in Livingness inspired by Natalie Benhayon is founded in this element. Women love Magazines, they are nostalgic, it offers them not just something to read but a lifestyle to go with it; sit back, relax, digest a Magazine and its contents, and be reassured that many other women out there are thinking and feeling the same things you are. Our printed media offers women a way to engage, learn and understand life and themselves and at the same time encourages them to stop the busyness and take a moment for repose.

The concept of the Women in Livingness Magazine was hence born, and it is dedicated to bringing quality into printed media. As Chief-Editor, Natalie leads all who collaborate for the magazine to deliver content with integrity, content that communicates to women that innately they are complete and not broken, content that establishes a new way of education for women and men; that we get to the heart of our health and well-being and to the heart of how to live who we really are. We’ve discarded the use of the unrealistic Photoshop adjustments, and our team of writers, models, photographers and designers are diverse in covering a wide spectrum of professional careers, life experience and reside in 9 different countries, making Women in Livingness a truly international Magazine.

Visit the WIL Magazine Website to read FREE Editions #1 or #2 online

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