EVENT - available by webcast

What are WIL Events about >>

How often do women trust what they feel, express what they know and honour what it is they need to be the woman they want to be? In a world that is fast paced and demanding, that wants to own your body, your looks, your do's and don't's, your career and more, there doesn’t seem to be much space for women to understand themselves at a level that creates a foundation of well-being and undoubtful inner strengths.
Empowerment and Power are words that get used all too commonly to brand, sell, promote, and elevate us. But what do they really mean? Are they moments of euphoria? or can they be a sustainable daily experience?
Following on from the first instalment in February this year, the up-coming Part 2 presentation of this Women in Livingness workshop series presented by Natalie Benhayon will take this important topic (and more) to greater depths, with all the practical tools that these gatherings are renowned for.
Join us and many women for a one-day workshop to explore these topics through presentations and group discussions.​
"As women, we will never get to empowerment or power unless we all get there together... there has to be a sisterhood, a collaboration, a togetherness"
- Natalie Benhayon
MEET Our KEYNOTE presenter Natalie Benhayon

In Natalie’s role as a presenter, she has been described over the years as one of steady confidence that surpasses her age, carrying an unimposing authority to speak openly and worldly, and is frequently commented on her ability to make all feel equal in her presence. She is renowned for her practical nature and the simplicity she brings to life and any subject matter that be prevalent to her varying audiences at any time.......